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Articles | One Day Conference in Cairo on Said Nursi, "Risale-i Nur and the Innovation of the Modern Religious Style" - 17.3.2009 12:25:03
One Day Conference in Cairo on Said Nursi, "Risale-i Nur and the Innovation of the Modern Religious Style"
In Cairo, the capital of Egypt, The International Nursi Conference, the organization of which has been turned into a tradition by the "Islamic Authors Union” was held during the Cairo International Book Fair.

Many academicians, scientists and thinkers mainly from Egypt, Morocco, Sudan, Jordan and Turkey attended with papers to the conference entitled “Risale-i Nur and the Innovation of the Modern Religious Style”, while many others attended as listeners. The conference was followed with great interest. The disciples of Ustad Nursi, namely Abdullah Yeğin, Mustafa Sungur ve Mehmet Fırıncı, as well as İhsan Kasım Es-Sâlihî, the translator of Risale-i Nur books into Arabic, and Hodja Ali Katıöz, known for his studies on Risale-i Nur were present at the conference.

Prof. Dr. A. Omar Hashim, the former president of Al-Azhar University and the current President of the Religious Commission of the Egyptian Parliament, acted as the president of the Organization Committee.

The conference proceeded mainly in three sessions.

Opening Session:

Recitation from Holy Quran
Prof. Dr. Abdülhalim Uveys

The opening speech in the name of  Islamic Authors Union      Prof. Dr. Abdülmü’min Yûnus

The Disciple of Said Nursi 
Mustafa Sungur ( Turkey)

The Disciple of Said Nursi    
Abdullah Yeğin ( Turkey )

The president of the Organization Committee.
Prof. Dr. A. Omar Haşim

Opening Paper
İhsan Kasım Salihi  ( Turkey )

First Session:

1. Periods in Said Nursi’s Life    
Prof. Dr. Me’mun Cerrar ( Jordan )

2. Leading Role of  Said Nursi in Innovation    
Dr. Hatice En-Nabravi

3. Dialogue between Islam and the other Religions  
Prof. Dr. Hüdâ Derviş.

4. The Base of Development Projects Said Nursi
Dr. Melâl Yunus ( Morocco)

5. Religious Style in General Meaning     
Ali  Katıöz ( Turkey)

6. Foundations of International Relations in Islam   
Prof. Dr. Muhammed Abdüllâtif

7. Nursi’s  Innovative Aspect        
Prof. Dr. Ebu Leyle

 Second Session:

1. Words’ influence in Nursi’s Mission Experience
Prof. Dr. Abdülmün’im Yunus.

2. The Development Project According to Risale-i Nur
 Prof. Dr Abdülhalim Uveys.

3. The Influence of Risale-i Nur in Reviving Faith   
Dr. Zehran Cabir.

4. Risale-i Nur and Hope for Future   
Prof. Dr. Muhyiddin Salih (Sudan)

5. The Guidance and Projection of Risale-i Nur   
Dr. Es-Sünûsi Muhammed.

6. Calling to Islam in Risale-i Nur    
Dr. Tarık Abdülcelil.

7. The Importance of Risale-i Nur  
Dr. Yusuf Hamdavî (Morocco)

The conference hall, where speakers gave interesting speeches and presentations, was full with listeners. Here we have to content with  the summary of a few papers.

Hatice Nebravi :

She analized the causes of backwardness in her speech entitled ‘The Role of  Said Nursi in Leading Innovation’. According to Nebravi, Said Nursi through his model of “Reconstruction to End Backwardness” and through the goals he pointed out in his Works

has paved the scientific development way for muslims,
has fortified the belief,
has demonstrated how to live a life style based on belief,
has enabled great changes in political understanding,
has brought a different and promising economic understanding,
has adopted an approach of  a balanced solution to woman problems,
has explained Quran with a applicable and  livable understanding.  

İhsan Kasım Sâlihî:

explained in his speech called ‘Bediüzzaman and his Mission’

the difficulties, hardships, and sufferings experienced for his mission,
that Bediüzzaman’s mission is pure and based on  ‘the belief of Quran and the Sunna’, 
that Bediüzzaman’s mission is based on reason, logic, and science, 
that Bediüzzaman’s school is far from excesses and marginality,
that Bediüzzaman’s mission is a most appropriate model to the understanding of  the age.

Prof.Dr. A.Omar Hashim, the former president of Al-Azhar University and the current President of the Religious Commission of the Egyptian Parliament, has noted in his speech the following points:

Said Nursi is one of the rarely found personalities in the human history. This person has attained the position mentioned in the Hadith, “Allah sends an innovator every century and  renews his religion.”
If a mission comes out from a sincere heart and based on Quran and the Suna, it is bound to last forever. Because Quran is everlasting, the one based on Quran will attain eternity too. Therefore Bediuzzaman’s mission is eternal in this respect.
“Cenab-ı Hak by sending this distinguished person (Said Nursi), founded the firm bases for reuniting a seperated umma, which you will see to be fulfilled in the near future.”
Allah (c.c.) will complete his glory.

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